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Skin rejuvenation and treatment of fine lines

Bio-Revitalization of the skin

Fraxel with Needling Radiofrequency - INTRACEL

Fraxel/Intracel with Radiofrequency is a unique fractional procedure which uses radiofrequency to deliver an effective but controlled ablative fractional treatment.  Each pulse delivers  radio frequency energy via a grid of matrix spots or "Micro-thermal Treatment Zones", inducing a skin lesion, maximized in these tiny, targeted areas.  Fibroblasts activated within the "zones" signal collagen regeneration and remodeling of collagen, improving skin tone and overall texture.  Meanwhile, the surrounding "untreated" tissue then helps to support and accelerate the healing process in the skin.  This unique technology is suitable for a wide range of skin types and is a safe treatment for anyone suffering from skin conditions. A series of three to five treatments are needed for optimal results.  Patients can expect a noticeable reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, acne and other scarring; and will see an improvement in their skin texture and laxity.  On average, most results appear over a period of three to six months, with some patients having notable results immediately after treatment.

Facial bio-revitalization using vitamins and hyaluronic acid for skin revitalization and wrinkle treatment. Multiple intra-dermal injections of very small quantities of a nutritive and revitalizing complex of 54+1 active ingredients along the wrinkle lines in the nape of the face, neck, décolleté and back of the hands.

Photo Rejuvenation

Photo rejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment that erases skin damage without disrupting the skin's surface.  Intense Pulsed Light Technology is used in a broad range of treatment programs available including Photo facial and Photo vascular.  It offers a safe, non-invasive solution that can be tailored to an individual's skin condition and type, providing superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction.  This procedure is used to rejuvenate the skin by activating the fibroblasts to produce more collagen and elastin, leaving the skin firmer and smoother.  Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Phototherapy can be used simultaneously to treat a wide range of facial concerns safely and effectively. 

Concerns such as:

  • Broken capillaries and vessels

  • Skin discoloration

  • Age spots

  • Freckles

  • Enlarged pores

  • Redness of the face associated with rosacea

  • Reduce brown spots

  • Ingrown hairs

  • Smooth roughly textured skin

  • Acne

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layers.

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